Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Eat Red Meat!

We had a stormy night in Arizona. It poured, the wind howled, and we lost power for about an hour. That's highly unusual for us! Craig thought it was very exciting. I told him he should have been at the Rocamar with me for Ida! Now that was excitement! Any other time here, I would have had the windows open listening to the rainfall, but after spending all those days wading through the pre-Ida deluges on Isla, I'm so over rain for now! I feel like I've been there, done that!

I found this video in my e-mail yesterday. Pretty funny!


  1. we lost a branch off the lemon tree and all our banana plants have been stripped. The pool is full of debris. I know what I will be doing this morning.

  2. Chrissy, an umbrella and a couple of cacti in pots bit the dirt, but that's not too bad. I bet there are trees down all over the neighborhood because of the saturated soil and wind. Our pool needs to be cleaned, but I've got a 'get out of work' permit with my sore hip, so it'll wait.

    And Jeanie, that video IS hilarious! I love the way they all waltz out the backdoor and no one pays any attention to them.

  3. Funny video!!!

    Isla Chica
