Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Beach 2009!

I made myself busy from my position on the couch. I'm trying out this new slideshow website. You have a few more options with the number of photos (obviously, since it's LOOOOONG) and editing options as a free member.

Slideshow: The Beach 2009! - Slideshow maker


  1. Great slideshow, Beck. Makes me feel like I was there. Oh, wait...I AM going to be there! Four more days for me!

  2. Wow - that was really great. I told you before, you have an eye for photos. Great job, and hope you feel better soon!1

  3. Wonderful show Beck! I hope you can get off the couch soon!

  4. Deb, I'm so jealous!!! I miss it so much, especially after looking at the photos again!

    Sue, thanks, and I should have listened to your doctor's advice on that flu shot! Grrrrrr. But it's day 3 on the Z-pac and I'm much improved! I'm going to try and get out of my cave today!

    And Jeanie, I'm sitting up on the couch now, so I'm better!
