Sunday, November 29, 2009

Some New Baubles!

I'm in trouble. I have another new obsession. Scratch the domino pendants. I'll come back to those later!

A few weeks ago, I goofed up and bought the wrong kind of wire. It turned out to be memory wire for making bracelets. I thought about taking it back, but it was so cheap, I decided not to bother. Save it for a rainy day! So last week, I was in a bead shop in Tempe that I'd heard about to look for some little charms and the right kind of wire. They had an unbelievable selection of beads, so I couldn't resist buying some and making something with my mistake!

This is just a small selection of the bracelets I've made. I guess my friends and relatives will be getting bracelets for Christmas! (I haven't come up with a man bracelet yet.)

My favorites ended up being the bracelets I made from the leftover beads. In other words, there's a pile of beads with no plan and can I make something with those! I love this little red, blue, and silver number.

This was another bracelet made from the leftover beads. I'm keeping this one for myself!

I made a few of these as little Christmas bracelets to give as gifts.

And here was the final leftover bracelet. Since I still have some memory wire and the beads are 40% off at Beads Galore this weekend -- hmmmmmmmm. May have to fire up my Beetle and get back there!

P.S. You wouldn't believe how crowded that place was yesterday at 3:00 p.m. I think I've joined a new cult!


  1. Those are great! You are so creative!

  2. Those are beautiful, Beck! I especially like the last one with the turqoise beads and the seahorse. You should sell them on Etsy!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the seahorse one!

  4. your crafting gene is so dominate. Very impressive.

  5. Pretty! Those are really nice, Beck.

  6. You certainly have a creative side! Very nice. What exactly is memory wire?

  7. Those are so cute, Beck! I laughed at the fact that you like the ones you made with leftovers, because that's why I love to make bookmarks!

  8. Thanks everyone. I,unfortunately, was back at the beadstore today for the last day of the sale. It is extremely addictive. Wayne, memory wire comes in coil shapes and is made to coil around wrists, necks, and even fingers.

  9. Beading is a cult and I am glad to see you have joined!
