Monday, November 2, 2009

A Lazy Day

We woke up to a beautiful sunrise Sunday morning from the new digs. I was feeling really queasy, but I made myself get out of bed and take some photos. Then I went back to bed.

Craig headed down to the market to pick up some supplies for me. He was convinced I was probably a little dehydrated, and he might be right. He was gone a long time because he stopped at the seaglass mine. I have to admit, the man can sure pick up some good seaglass pieces! Here's a few of the more unique pieces from last week. Way more colors than I've ever been able to find on the airport strip when I've stayed there!

I have to say, I am so impressed with the direction of the island. Craig and I had really been turned off by Isla on our last trip in May 2008. We both thought perhaps that would be our last trip. But I've got the old feeling back again. The city seems to be sponsoring a lot of change. Beach cleanup and rebuilding, special programs on the square, repaving of streets, gardens in the median on Medina, etc.... The island looks better than ever.

This trip, I've gotten the same vibe that I remember from our initial earlier trips. From the new room, I can hear the clock bells ring in the square and children singing in the church. There's less hustle, a slower pace, families spending time together, families gathered on the square for evening events, kids playing on bikes and trikes in the square, etc.... I was floored this evening when the checker at the supermercado greeted me with buenas noches and smiled. She greeted every customer in line that way. The food vendors are back on the square most evenings. Business on the island seems to have picked up during the last week. Most of the restaurants seem to be getting more business, and the daytrippers are back. The usual suspects are trickling back in to spend the winter on Isla. Actually, it doesn't seem much different now that the other times I've been here in late October/early November. Hopefully, the tourist drought is ending.

Sunday ended up being a lazy day. After my initial queasiness, we went to the French Bistro for breakfast.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the cure all. I read, slept, and listened to the waves crashing below after we got back. The day was bright and sunny, a change from yesterday's rain and clouds. At least the view from the room was outstanding! : )

Later in the afternoon, I decided to get out and take a long walk. I headed south on the malecon and ended up back on Medina in time for sunset. As always, I snapped a lot of photos.

Rustic Boat

I ran into this guy on the malecon. He was very proud of his handline catch!

Hidalgo Mini-Mart

The docks.

Sunset at Playa del Sol.


  1. Glad you feel the old vibe again!I guess the new mayor is doing alot for the island. Great photos! Hope the queasiness didn't last too long.

  2. I'm so glad you're enjoying yourselves, Beck. It's good to hear the island feels like old times this trip.

  3. I recognize that dog on your blog the other day as our neighbor all Villa Makax!

    You "new" place's photo looks like from Villa Makax's balcony. Are you there now? (is this the guess where Beck is game? Jejeje)

    aka Isla Chica

  4. Good Sea Glass!! Lots of pink aka purple. :)

  5. Linda, close, but no cigar. Tee heeee! Ann and Vee, I guess the island feels like the old Isla because it's slow. And Jana, I always find the lavendar/pink in about the same spot. What's up with that! : )

  6. Hoe you feel better today! Tuesday my grind day in Cancun, Wednesday to recoup. Maybe we can beach it Thursday? It was so nice spending time with you and Craig the other night!

  7. Another fabulous bounty! I'll play the game with Linda. I'm guessing Luna d' Miel. Grate some fresh ginger in your OJ for the tummy.

  8. This makes me wish I was there. The Sunrise photo is wonderful. And so many more in here.

  9. That last photo is definitely a keeper. Hope you're feeling better.

  10. I know where it is :-) The hammock and the shape of the railing gave it right away. And that view, sigh...

    As usual, beautiful, fantastic photos, and I'm so jealous of all that glass! I was too chicken to get down on the beach beside the malecon. I can't wait to hear those church bells and all the wonderful sounds of Isla in a few months.

  11. Must be Roca Mar... I saw the rock!

    Isla Chica
