Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

Gosh, it's that time of year again! Today I'm going to be busy cleaning and cooking getting ready for tomorrow. We're having friends over for Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, carrots, cranberry salad, pies -- a typical feast!

By the way, that makes me remember what I forgot! I was going to tell everyone about the best part of my trip to Isla this year. I met up with so many old and new friends on the island. And alll of them seem to have one thing in common -- very big hearts! Just good people! I really appreciated the concern and offers when Ida was headed towards Isla. I'd always wondered what I'd do if I got caught down there by myself in a storm, but I definitely wasn't alone. Lots of offers of help from old and new friends, so if Ida had turned out to be a big one, I would not have been by myself. And as it turned out, I was whisked over to Media Luna where they took very good care of me! That last week when the weather turned bad, the emphasis turned from the beach to hanging out talking with friends. So I'm thankful for all the great people I've met on Isla over the years!

The last two years have been pretty stressful in our household, so I'm really thankful it's almost 2010! We've been going through what everyone our age faces -- loss. Deaths of close family members and other big changes. If there's one thing we both learned this year, it's that life can change on a dime at any given time. So we've decided to get out there, travel, and have fun while we still can! I'm contemplating where that next trip will be! : )

Here's a funny Thanksgiving commercial! And that reminds me -- get that turkey out of the fridge for awhile so it will finish thawing! Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. That video was hilarious! I am looking forward to 2010 too...2009 was too stressful for me, as well. And I agree about getting out there and seeing the world. You never know what can happen and I think it's a good philosophy to enjoy life while you can. Happy Thanksgiving, Beck!

  2. What a funny video! What a HUGE turkey!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours, Beck!

    Isla Chica

  3. That video is tooooo funny and it's how I feel when I take on a whole turkey.

    Have a wonderful day Beck!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Beck! Thanks for the laugh.
