Friday, November 27, 2009

Cheaper than K-Mart!

Thanksgiving was wonderful! The $5 turkey turned out beautifully. Really moist. I stuffed the cavity with chopped onions, apples, celery, rosemary, and sage, but I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the moistness. The potatoes, stuffing, and gravy were also a big hit. My son's always flabberghasted when I manage to turn out a good Thanksgiving meal because I had one huge fiasco when he was in high school and didn't cook turkey for five years after that! My friend brought over the best pies she had baked -- pumpkin and chocolate cream! Yummy!

Before I forget, there's a smashing deal on Isla on tequila. Cheaper than K-Mart! Or at least there was in late October. At the Navy store (you enter through the back gates off Juarez towards the top of the hill), they had the large bottle (NOT the small bottle in this photo) of Corralejo tequila for 190 pesos! I bought one for Michael and brought it home in my checked bag. I was also surprised that the Navy store is now air-conditioned. It used to be a trial going in there because it was so dang hot! I went in to buy Halloween candy and came out with a big bottle of tequila!

And the large bottle of tequila is now a goner. Michael went to the store last week and bought the small bottle. It was $26, so that shows you what a great deal that big bottle is at the Navy store. A lot cheaper than Covi!


  1. Well, I'm glad. Because Vivian paid $50 for a gringo-breasted bird at Sam's Club in Cancun!

  2. I'll have to check out the Navy store when I'm there next month...I've never been there. BTW, I love the little Christmas lights around your header picture...cute!

  3. Thanks Deb and Zina. And Deb, the prices at the Navy store on a lot of things are good! Even postcards.
