Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane

I was really busy last week getting the house ready for an appraiser to come through, so on Friday after he left, I decided I needed to treat myself to some fun! I made a trip to the big antique mall here in Chandler -- Market Square. They were having their annual sale throughout the booths.

When I got there, it was jam-packed! They have a hot dog place inside the mall and there was a long line of people ordering lunch. And a long line at the front checkout. As I wandered through the crowded aisles, I noticed lots of older couples browsing. Eavesdropping, I overheard phrases like -- Oh, I remember my mother had a set of dishes just like these. I never think of myself as being older, but I realize that when I go antiquing, it always triggers the same type of memories.

My Grandma Bowman had an old Singer sewing machine just like this (in the cabinet) at the top of the stairs in her finished attic. The top drawer had her old button collection, and I used to spend hours playing with them. Now I have those buttons in a jar at my house.

My grandparents also had one of these gliders on the front porch. I think it was a pale green color. If I had a place for this, I would have taken it home!

Grandma also had a canister set like this (minus the fancy painted decals) in her kitchen. She baked enough to actually use them (whereas I hide my flour and sugar in the cupboards).

This gypsy fortune teller doll triggered a whole different set of memories. At certain times of year in our little town growing up in southeast Kansas, traveling gypsies would show up in their cars and make camp at a place we called the Little Park. They were there for long enough when I was in first grade for one of the children to attend school. We called the little boy something that sounded like Cochise. Everything bad that happened in town (petty thievery) was blamed on the gypsies if they happened to be there. I don't know what their purpose was in coming to town, but they often showed up around the time of the county fair. One year during the fair, my mother had all of her bras stolen off the clothesline. LOL My father actually reported it to the police and the answer was -- probably the gypsies. Actually, probably the town pervert? Where did the gypsies come from and why were they there? I have no clue. But I've always been intrigued by the subject!

These old wooden seats brought back lots of memories of sitting in the school auditorium for music class, assemblies, watching special events on television, etc... At least I wasn't sitting in class, but those chairs were so hard!

Now this is a funny memory! Our first Christmas together, I was still in college. It was final week, I was stressed to the max, and a little bummed because we had no Christmas tree in our little apartment. Craig went to the local tree lot and found a poor little dried up Christmas tree. He did the shopping for decorations because I was busy writing final papers and came home with all blue ornaments. Boxes of blue Christmas bulbs just like these! I wasn't particularly fond of blue, but it was a nice gesture.

This item didn't really trigger any memories other than dead armadillos by the side of the road, but it's the first time I've ever seen an armadillo shell in an antique mall! What the heck!

After browsing the antique mall for over an hour, I happened upon a full set of those dominos I've been using to make charms. So the trip certainly wasn't wasted. In an effort to pamper myself a little more, I had a Dairy Queen ice cream for lunch and a pedicure on the way home. Now that pedicure's another post! Ha!

By the way, that beast I call my laptop died again today, so I am on borrowed time here. The problem is that it goes into sleep mode and I can't even do a cold shutdown on it. Tonight I removed the battery to shut it down, and then restarted it. Ugh. As I said, only a matter of time.


  1. Lots of memories for me in tose items, too! Not the armadillo or the blue ornaments though! Both types of chairs--the metal ones we had growing up & I do remember the hard auditorium chairs.

  2. I have sat in many gliders like the one you posted. I guess I'm getting older too I remember a lot of these things. Maybe Antiques are getting younger.

  3. My Grandma (nee Bowman) had cannisters and also a Singer sewing machine like those ones. She had that Singer until her death - she used to make clothes for our Barbie dolls, can you imagine? We had great doll wardrobes made from scraps. I am just lousy at browsing antiques - you have a talent!

  4. Do you recall the price on the Singer? My Dad restores them. I have an ond 1938 Singer Feather Weight in my closet that My Mom uses on alot of things. Mostly quilting and fix it stuff. She also has a surger and a computerized machine. Heck, she has a whole room decicated to sewing. The sewing gene must skip a generation because I avoid it like the plague.

  5. Boy, I remember a lot of those things, too. You sure have a bunch of cool antique stores where you live! I'll have to say that gypsy doll looks pretty creepy, though. I think I'd have to pass on that one.

  6. Ann, I remember watching all the rocket launches, World Series, graduations, etc... from those hard seats.

    Bennie, my childhood toys and wedding presents are now all over the antique stores. Scary!

    Sue, I'm going to post a photo of my Bowman grandparents sometime soon and you can tell me if there's any resemblance! And Grandma Bowman made me a lot of doll clothes -- even some stuffed animals.

    Chrissy, I don't recall the price, but I noticed two or three in that mall. There are also two good antique malls in Mesa. One on McKellips not too far east of 101, and the other in downtown Mesa. I know there are a couple of good malls in Scottsdale too, but I haven't hit those yet. I'm not wild about sewing, but I make a few pillows once in awhile. I think the sewing gene disappeared after my Grandma Bowman.

    Deb, I'd love to roam through Texas sometime and look at all the antique stores! And I thought the gypsy doll was creepy too. There were also a couple of gypsy paintings. I think the dealer must have had an obsession. Maybe she was a gypsy!

  7. Great post, Beck. You know, there are fewer antique shops here every year. In the mid-1990s when I moved into my house, there were two big antique malls near my house, a really huge one in the nearest shopping center, and a decent-sized one near my office. The only one still there is in the shopping center. The stores didn't move, either - they just closed. One has been vacant for years, and another was converted to really cool condos.

  8. My grandparents had chairs like that glider, too. I think they were pink. The gypsy story is funny!
