Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

After breakfast on Sunday, we changed into swimsuits and headed down to the beach. Doogan would have been thrilled because the two women who plopped down right next to us on the loungers proceeded to strip and hang the chi chi's out to dry. If you've got it, flaunt it? But if the girls are saggin', they'll be a draggin'! Their coconuts didn't hang lower than their skirts, but it wasn't all that attractive. Tee hee. Sorry Doogan. No pictures.

We hung out for a couple of hours. I swam a few laps up and down in the water. The water temp is great right now. Not bathtub water by any means, but very refreshing. Around 11:30, we decided to head back to the room, shower, and try the ribs at the Soggy Peso.

We arrived out there a little too early, following instructions I'd read on the message board about the need to arrive around 12:00 p.m. in order to get a table. For anyone interested, after 1:00 p.m. is more accurate. Manuel took our drink orders and we settled in. This really is a cool bar!

Local Fauna

The bouncer.

Believe me, I didn't lift the lid to look in the mirror!!!

Manny let us know shortly after 1:00 p.m. that the ribs were ready and we ordered. We decided to split a full rack. Another group came into the bar about that time. Jim and Carmita along with a couple who looked very familiar but I just couldn't place them. Duh. It was Cancun Tom and Suzy. They invited us to join them and we took them up on their kind offer. Once our ribs arrived, Craig and I swiftly inhaled the plate before I even thought to take a photo. Tom and Suzy were kind enough to let me photograph theirs!


And is Suzy cute or what!

At one point, Mr. Bo came in. He looks like he's enjoying his new life on Isla, and his old Texas license tag is hanging from the palapa roof! After several hours of good company, we decided to head back to the condo for a little afternoon nap. We were going to take a cab, but decided just to walk back to town in an effort to burn off some of the calories.

I stopped several times along the way to take a few more photos.

The restaurants seem to be getting very creative!

Looks like an old boyfriend?

Reminds me to order lobster one of these nights!

The look back at the walk home!

Sunday seemed pretty busy on the island, but I think a lot of the people were Mexican daytrippers. Lots of boats dropped anchor off Playa Norte. Once evening came, the crowds seemed to have filtered away, back to Cancun on the ferry. Our walk around town on Sunday night reminded me of the first time we visited Isla in 2002 after Easter. Pleasantly slow. Arriving at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday evening, the traffic on Medina was almost non-existent! Muy tranquilo! I told Craig to enjoy, because the island will be crowded once again soon.


  1. Another great report! And the new header photo is wonderful--so colorful!

  2. I'm glad you're having so much fun. Thanks for keeping us posted. I also love the colorful umbrellas - much better than the ones advertising beer, IMHO!

  3. Sounds like a great day! Very cool that Tom and Suz, Jim and Carmita were there!

  4. Loving the Live reports from the island! How cool that you got to meet Tom and Suzie and Rex, too. I've hung w/ Rex and he's a very interesting guy. Of course, Jim and the Queen of Isla are always fun. Weren't those ribs to die for? And I don't even really love ribs. Keep up the good work or reporting and having fun. It's a tough job, but I know you're up to it.

  5. Wooohooo! Where are you staying? email me at zina(at)

    I am going into town this afternoon to pre shop apartments for a friend, long term. I have to pick up some seafood at Miguel's too, so lets say look for me around 7. Tomorrow is another day. Also, I have hurt shoulder and am not all that mobile Wooohoo. Hope we can get together and you can meet Boca!

  6. Glad you enjoyed the ribs, Beck! Don't you love having the island "all to yourself"? Enjoy!


  7. Thanks everyone! We're having a blast. The island seems to have more action today with some daytrippers. Zina, we'll look for you tonight in town. I'll be here another week after Craig leaves on Sunday, so if we don't hook up this week, I'll be wide open next week! Can't wait to see Boca! : )

  8. Hi Beck, Hi Craig!
    It was great to meet up with you guys. It's always so nice to actually meet people who have been internet friends. As usual I enjoy your photography. Hope you can make it to our Halloween Party Saturday?? We're sitting out on the patio having breakfast right now, but it looks like were gonna get a bit of weather in a few minutes. Enjoy your vacation.

  9. You do such a great job of picking out things to take a picture of. These are great.
