Saturday, October 24, 2009

Heaven, I'm in Heaven!

Forget the hour sitting on the tarmac in Phoenix while the pilot looked at photos of the weather in the Gulf. Forget the extra hour getting through immigration and customs in Cancun because it was a Saturday. We arrived just in time to view the sunset from heaven. As Craig said, this is what a vacation should always be!

Saby was a little bummed to see us leaving with out packed bags, but she had a scheduled play date with Michael and another doggy friend, so she'll be fine.

The weather in Cancun looked a little dark upon arrival, but once we were out on that water headed for Isla, our hassles with the long travel day just floated away.

We arrived at our room just in time to take in the glorious sunset from on high.

As the sun sank below the horizon, people below frolicked on Playa Norte. These women appeared to be having a very Zen experience.

Looking down the beach away from the sunset -- more incredible views in the fading light.

Honey, I could LIVE here! This is the life!

You know what they say. Red sky at night, sailor's delight! Tomorrow should be wonderful!

Stay tuned! : )


  1. Beautiful sunset! Glad you made it without too many hassles. Enjoy!

  2. Have fun! I live at the beach in the Yucatan , Mx and love it so .

  3. Great photos! Looking forward to more. Have fun!

  4. Thanks for checking in Beck. Love the photos, especially the red sky!

  5. I'm so glad to hear from you! More please!

  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Poor Saby doesn't get to come along for the ride. I'm sure the play date will make it all better though.
