Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bringing in the Bootie

Aaargh aargh. I got me mate to help do the dirty work on Tuesday morning's walk and bring in the treasures from the sea. Actually, I told him he was my seaglass beee-aaatch, but he didn't think that was very funny after the second time I said it.

We got in about 20 minutes of hunting before the deluge came. We ran to one of those white gazebos on the new malecon and waited out the storm there.

The rain let up and we headed back into town, but not before I noticed someone else's bounty from the sea!

Since we forgot to pack our hip-waders, we decided to walk down Juarez where there are curbs to keep us high and dry.

We soon realized we needed to make another trip to the mercado for our morning juice, so we cut back to Guerrero.

No need to keep using those Emergency C packets with all the fresh squeezed juices on Isla! Ten pesos a bottle!

By the time we got back to the room, the air was fresh and clean and the clouds had parted. So we sat down to breakfast on the balcony once again with fresh papaya, watermelon, bananas, and Bimbo from the mercado.

Soon after breakfast, another squall moved in. We quickly moved inside, and that gave me the time to examine the day's take. I can't believe how much we picked up in such a short period of time. Some really cool pieces of seaglass!

Craig and I both seized the rain delay to use the internet. Soon, the rain passed and we changed into our swimsuits to get some Playa Norte beach time. The water felt great today. A little choppy, but that didn't keep me from taking a few laps in the water. After a few hours on the beach, we decided to head back to the condo to clean up. Then the plan was down Medina to one of the waterfront restaurants for some fresh seafood.

We hadn't eaten at Mocambo since it was just Lancheros. It was nice and cool under the palapa. There's no better way to spend a hot afternoon than under a cool palapa watching the boats and activity down at the docks! I also get some kind of sick enjoyment out of watching daytrippers if they're being obnoxious. The couple next to us had a huge plate of ceviche in addition to each having a large entree plate and multiple drinks. Livin' large! But then the guy almost got himself into a fight with a necklace vendor who was understandably a little aggressive since he's probably desperate to earn some money right now. All it took from me was a polite 'no gracias,' but Mr. Potato Head had to make smart ass remarks to him about the quality of his jewelry, taking it outside the restaurant, etc...

We both ordered the catch of the day -- red snapper. I had mine breaded and Craig chose the garlic. They were both WONDERFUL! And that tartar sauce I swear is the best I've ever had. We both agreed we'd be making a return trip to Mocambo!

After visiting Ricardo at his new Fire Opal location, we headed over to the supermercado to stock up on snacks. A couple of items reminded me that Halloween's approaching quickly!

After loading up and checking out, we found ourselves in a crowd at the front door waiting for the latest squall to let up. I think you'd definitely call this a rain day, but we were able to work in a seaglass hunt, time at the beach, and lunch at the docks in between squalls! No problem! : )

For dinner, we walked back down Hidalgo and settled in at Viva Cuba Libre. Craig ordered the Cuban sandwich and I had the Green Salad. Both were huge and wonderful. I forgot my camera, so no photos, but we'll probably be splitting the other half of the Cuban for breakfast tomorrow. After our nightly stroll down Medina overlooking the water, we were in for the night!


  1. Love all of the treasures you found, Beck. You certainly made the most of a so-called rain day! I am so enjoying your reports - and now I am hungry. Very hungry...

  2. that's quite a haul! I like to go to that beach early too! Sounds like you're having a great time despite the showers.

  3. Love your posts, Beck...thanks for taking the time to do them! I'm really going to have to collect some of that sea glass next time I'm there...that's quite a collection you got there! I've had the Cuban sandwich at Viva Cuba Libre...muy delish!

  4. You found lots of nice glass & sea treasures!!!

    Say... is that MD in Texas' condo your in? The view looks like hers, or maybe her neighbor.


  5. Beautiful sea glass! OMG that fish looks amazing! It's now the top of my craving list.

  6. I love reading about other people's adventures on the island. After 6 years here, I start to take it all for granted.

    I have never eaten at Mocambos. I tend to forget about all those restaurants over there. I will definitely be giving it a try. That food looked delicious.

    BTW, my cleaning lady works part-time at that juice bar. She's not in your photo though.

    Next time you hit the Cuban restaurant, try the Ropas Viejo. Pulled beef, kind of like BBQ meat. Muy delicioso!

    Also you might enjoy a burrito at Rincon de Burritos, next to Coco Loco.

  7. Becky, it's so sweet of you to have your beotch pick me up some sea glass. ;) Looks like another wonderful day of fun, beach and good food. What else is there???

  8. I love getting these reports right after they happen. And won't it be great to come home and not have to write them! Your meal looked wonderful. I can't wait to try more of those beach restaurants next time.

    I got some of those same little blue tiles in February.

  9. Thanks everyone! I'm not doing too good of a job answering comments, but I'll be better again when I get home. And Linda, we are staying in MD's condo. And it is the BOMB! Absolutely beautiful!
    Wayne, I'll give that tip to Craig if we eat at the Cuban restaurant again. I also like their Cuban fish dish. We went back to Mocambo's today at noon and I had the shrimp tacos. They were really good too. We'll have to try the burrito place.

  10. Too funny you like the day trip watching. I find it amuzing watching people. Poor guy selling he necklaces having to deal with them every day.

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