Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When I Woke Up This Mornin'

I saw this through the shutters! What a gorgeous way to start the day. And to add to my morning party, the weatherman made the statement that we may have seen the last of the 100 degree temps this year. Now that's something to celebrate! The high tomorrow in Phoenix is actually supposed to be 89 degrees.

With the cooler morning temps, I'm back to my outdoor exercise routine of long walks and/or bike rides. It's way more fun being outdoors than stuck in a gym. Not to mention I'm not particularly wild right now about being inside with all those possible swine flu bugs!

After the morning walk, I noticed one more surprise when I watered the plants in the courtyard. Another one of these little birdies has popped out on display! It must like the slightly cooler temps. These Birds of Paradise have been fairly elusive, but maybe the plants are maturing now and will bloom more.

We're now entering the time of year when everyone walks around saying -- And this is why we live in Phoenix! Woo hoooo. I've made it through another summer in the blast oven.


  1. Beautiful sunrise photos! And the bird of paradise is so colorful--thanks for sharing, Becky.

  2. I actually got a blanket last night while we were out on the patio. This morning it was 58 degrees in N. Scottsdale. I might have my last swim of the year this weekend.

  3. Thanks Ann! Chrissy, we have a solar cover on our pool and our son thinks he's going to be swimming in late October when he comes back to visit? Hmmmmmm. We have a gas heater on the pool, but never use it since it costs an arm and a leg. I love the cooler temps, but hate to see the pool season end!

  4. What a pretty morning sky, Beck. I'm glad you're getting some heat relief at last.

  5. 89 degrees?! Put on a sweater!! The Bird of Paradise is GORGEOUS. One of my fave flowers. So exotic. :)

  6. Beautiful photos, Beck. I used to live in Wisconsin and Minnesota and had a reverse situation to yours. When it would get to about 40 degrees in the Spring, everyone would be wearing shorts and sandals because it felt so warm compared to 40 below. Now you're ready to put jackets on at 80 degrees because you're used to 115 degrees! Crazy.

  7. I bet it is a relief to have some cooler weather. It's been cool in South Carolina the past few days. I'm not looking forward to our cool down though. Maybe I should move to Phoenix.
