Wednesday, September 16, 2009

There's a Chill in the Air!

Had a wonderful dinner at Casa Blanca tonight with a friend to celebrate her birthday! Happy Birthday Gwennie! The waitress brought her the fried ice cream as a present. I have to admit, I'd never had it before and it was wonderful! Yuuummmmm!

The season's changing here in Arizona. There was a little nip in the air when I walked Saby at 8 p.m. tonight. Lo 90's! Brrrrrrrr. Ha! The daytime highs have been hovering around 100 degrees, but the big change is in the overnight temps. They're dipping into the lower 70's, so that's creating a chill in the pool. I've got the solar cover on this week trying to get the water temp back up to prime level -- around 86. I stuck my toe in this morning and decided to leave it on another day! In another month, the pool will be too cold to swim and I hate that! Despite what the overnight lo's do to the pool temp, it's great for morning walks with Saby and bike rides. I can wait until 7 a.m. to walk her now and it still feels cool.

I'm also starting to see a difference in my plants. The flowers are coming back! A lot of plants get crispy in the summer, the leaves yellow and drop, and the blooms go away. I snapped a few photos of flowers this morning. The purple sage is really looking beautiful right now.


  1. Would love those temps! It's been dipping into the 40's & 50's here! But fall here is wonderful....has to be better than the summer we had!

  2. it was in the low 70s here during the day!! I was chilly. :( Your flowers are gorgeous. We've had rain for over a week now, when it stops our flowers will be gorgeous.

  3. The purple sage is beautiful. I agree on the pool temps. I like 85+.
