Friday, September 11, 2009

A Picnik with Isla Pics!

Life around here's gotten a little boring since I feel too lousy to be out running around in the heat, so I was glad to discover a new photo-editing site to play with this week. I fed some older Isla photos into the machine this afternoon. I kind of like this cinematography effect.

By the way, I found out I'm sick! I finally went to the doctor and she diagnosed it as bronchitis and a sinus infection. Hopefully, the amoxicillin and inhaler will kick this crud in the butt.


  1. Great pics... Makes me want to be there now.

  2. Great shots, Beck. I love them all, but REALLY like the sunset pic. And it's nice to see the lighthouse without the monstrosity behind it. :-(

  3. I can't wait to be there. I'm starting to get the fever! Deb, I read another horrific review somewhere on the other P.A. restaurant. What a monstrosity! One among several. They'd better plant some vines on that thing over there by the Secreto.
