Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Puddles

It seems like Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends attract bad weather no matter where you live! As a kid, I hated it! Rain and cool weather meant the last swim day at the pool would be cancelled. But here in Arizona, the rain's a real treat!

I was so happy to hear rumbling when I awoke early Saturday morning. Despite the fact that I'm still plagued by this infernal cough, I got a burst of energy. Craig and I decided to see how many times we could loop the neighborhood on bikes before the rain hit. And that number would be about one and a half times before we were pummelled by huge drops. Back home, we took our breakfast outside onto the covered patio and relished in the moment, dreaming of past vacations on the wet northshore of Kauai where it rains everyday.

The cool humid breeze, smell of the sweet lantana, and the sound of rain on the water was downright tropical!

After breakfast, we opened the front door to look into the courtyard. Saby even decided to take a peak, but notice her ears are tucked down. She hates storms.

Craig set a bucket and water can under the drip line and they filled within minutes.

I love it! A brief break from the monotony of sun and heat! In case you're curious, we're thanking Hurricane Jimena for the weekend rain here in Arizona. And fortunately here in Arizona, the pool doesn't close on Labor Day! : )


  1. Glad that you got some much needed rain--and that it's there & not here!

  2. Beautiful pics. I love how our garden looks after a refreshing rain too. Sometimes when Miguel waters the plants he sprays them from top to bottom, and they get that clean, dripping wet, shiny look that a rain gives them. So lush!

  3. Love the photos. I did a little road trip this weekend (which I will blog about) and it rained several times each was great. My son said it didn't rain a drop at home while I was gone. I think this area is just going to dry up and wither away soon.

  4. Thanks everyone! We did get the rain, but only Saturday morning. They'd forecasted rain the entire weekend, but that was it! Deb, I look forward to hearing about your roadtrip. I'm starting to feel like a hermit. It's been almost a week housebound with this crud. Cough cough cough!

  5. Yeah I get a little depressed around this time of year when the swim season comes to an end. Sad part is I don't go swimming as much as I should. We last until the end of September generally before it's too cold for me to swim.

    I'm glad you got some rain. Sometiems you just want a rainy day so you can sit inside and read a book.

    Funny my passcode to post this comment is dript... Guess it's in honor of your rainfall.
