Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In and Out, One More Time!

Here's Michael on Sunday swearing at me under his breath because he hates having his picture taken! He arrived around noon and we took him to Casa Blanca to eat lunch. He spent most of his time at home playing golf, washing clothes, and catching up with work, but he and I took the time yesterday to have lunch at Pita Jungle and see The Informant, starring Matt Damon. For lunch, we started off with hummus and tsatziki followed by a Greek salad and a California Beach Club pita. No photos because Michael's had it with me and my photo-taking! : ) But lunch was very good!

We both thought The Informant was hilarious. Matt Damon's character reminded me of our time spent living in Omaha in the 1980's. I guess it was his bad toupee and clothes. Not to say people from Omaha have bad toupee's, but it was styled in an 80's do and the setting of the plant in the movie was Midwestern!

Michael's off this morning, down to Tucson to work (I don't think playing golf is work!) a golf tournament and golf show. Like a boomerang, he'll be back Sunday evening for a few days R&R before he heads out on the road again. Then back to babysit Sista Saby at the end of October!

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