Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Few Weekend Polaroids

Just a few more photos from Labor Day weekend that I edited into Polaroid frames. This is my first attempt at editing on Picnik. I really like that website! : )


  1. very good. I am hoping to get a camera for my birthday at the end of this month. I have been using Keith's and it hates me. the feeling is mutual. For years i have been fine being in front of the lens, but now withthe blog I want to master the craft.

  2. Great effect! You are full of surprises.

  3. Chrissy, I bought myself a new camera for Mother's Day. I stuck with a simple Kodak because I like Kodak's color saturation. The camera has around 10 megapixels and 12x optical lense. I tried a tiny point and shoot camera with more megapixels and ended up taking it back. All my photos were blurry. I couldn't deal with not being able to look through a viewfinder! I pretty much need a simple camera because I never figure out how to use all the bells and whistles even on the simple one!

    Jeanie, I just discovered Picnik from another blog and really love it! Of course, Saby's so photogenic, it doesn't matter how the photos are edited. HA!

  4. the photo effects of the fake polaroid suit your style very nicely Becky good move and thanks for some very entertaining pics

  5. I like these effects Beck. And you are right Sabby is very photgenic.

    I'm with ya on the easy to use camera. I leave mine on auto all the time. I want to point and click.
