Saturday, September 26, 2009

Crafty Saturday

It all started with a box of vintage dominos I found in an antique store last week. I'd been looking for something I could use to design some pendants. So, after researching the supplies I'd need online and making numerous trips to craft and bead shops around this area, I finally figured out how to use those old dominos!

These two are my favorites so far. Geez, I wonder why! I finally found a use for all these vintage postcards and Isla pamphlets I've been collecting for years.

I also have a jar of vintage buttons from my grandmother's house that I've been saving for all these years. I saw some pendants on Etsy that utilized the dominos and buttons, so decided to try it!

The orange one in the center will be really cute for Halloween. And the black and white's perfect! My fave colors.

As soon as I get my printer up and running again, I'll be using some old family photos. And I have lots of ideas for more Isla pendants! So many ideas . . . so little time! : )


  1. Great ideas! I'm envious of the people that can come up with great ideas to make crafts out of simple things--I don't have that gene at all!

  2. Those are so cute!! Are you going to sell them on Etsy?

  3. wow, you are so crafty. Or is it craftsey? Either way, I would never attempt to do that stuff. I have recently started knitting scarfs and dish clothes int he winter, but I do have my limitations.

  4. I agree that you are indeed resourceful and imaginative, Beck. I like your pendants!

  5. Those are DARLING with a capital D! I fell on your blog when googling vintage postcards:)

  6. So, I have vintage dominoes from when I was a child, in colors! Tell me you didn't just use them for a backing, that a picture of that is missing.
    I loved the button pendants. I have a lot of buttons I got a couple years ago that are suitable for crafting. Keep it up. It's so nice to see.

  7. Thanks everyone. Deb, I might think about Etsy, but right now I'm just trying to perfect it and make a few gifts for people.

    Chrissy, I'd love to be able to knit! An older aunt tried to teach me to crochet once, but I never got past potholders.

    Marie, glad you found your way to my blog! : ) Thanks for the compliments!

    Zina, they are made on dominos. Next photos I take, I'll show you front and back. I found a wooden set of old black wooden ones for $5 at the local antique mall. Wish I had a vintage set from my childhood! (I'd leave those alone!) I'm going to be scouting the antique malls for some white ones. You can also make pendants from old poker chips, etc... Fun!

    And Ann and Vee, you are both so talented and creative!
