Monday, September 14, 2009

Casa Blanca

To those of us who frequent Isla Mujeres, we know Casa Blanca as a grungy strip club. Not my thing, so I've never been inside. But to people who live in Chandler, Arizona, Casa Blanca's one of our local Mexican restaurants. It's close to our house, so we go there a lot! As an added bonus, the food's pretty good.

Sunday, I was crawling the walls after being a shut-in for several weeks, so we decided to have lunch at Casa Blanca before Craig left town.

This sign always reminds me of Isla, so I had to have a photo. Beautiful blue Caribe water, but that beer is definitely north of the border prices! Can't wait to be sitting south of the border on a real Caribe beach ordering a cold drink!

I like Casa Blanca's entrance, especially those big metal chandeliers.

There's definitely no Gregorio to serenade the customers, but this guy was hanging out on the wall behind our booth. He ignored my request for the barking song.

We cleaned up the bean dip, chips, and salsa before I remembered to take a photo! So I thought you'd enjoy a picture of the remains.

I ordered my favorite bowl of chicken tortilla soup hoping the chicken soup remedy would work its magic. They recently reduced the size of the bowl, but it was still filling.

Craig's favorite meal is the chicken guacamole tostada! It was yummy as usual. We both usually order this dish. The inside joke is that they place our order when our car enters the parking lot because the meal's usually on the table within five minutes.

Looking at these pics makes me crave it again! Hmmmmmm. I bet they do carryout! : )


  1. mm yummy, chicken tortilla soup. You should have had some of that when you were feeling puny. You probably would have gotten better sooner.

  2. Chrissy, I was still a little puny yesterday, so it must have performed a miracle. Today is the first day I've felt like walking the dog, riding a bike, etc.... I think I finally turned the corner. The amoxicillin must be doing the trick!

  3. Looks great...but I can't help but think you're looking forward to Isla dishes even more. Not too much longer!

  4. And you would be so right Deb! Absence makes the heart grow fonder and it's been over a year!

  5. Glad you're getting back up to speed, Beck. That soup looks yummy!

  6. Vee, that soup is great! I'm headed back there tonight for a birthday dinner with a friend. Can't wait!
