Thursday, July 23, 2009

Unprepared and Uninspired!

This sounds like an unemployment recipe! But not.

I'm uninspired because I've really been in a blogging funk lately. Nothing to write about. This morning after I walked Saby, I decided to take a bike ride across the road to the nature preserve since the purple clouds (probably a monsoon after thought) were still blocking out the intense sun and keeping the temps down. I decided not to take my camera because I figured nothing could possibly be colorful in the desert summer heat. So once again, I was unprepared with no Kodak for those Kodak moments!

Once I got there, I noticed the recent rains had filled some of the water reclamation backup lakes. Masses of black-necked stilts in their black and white tuxedos were walking and floating in one marshy area. The reedy grasses, which remind me of the Moses in the Bullrushes Bible story, had multipled and grown taller. And the prickly pear cacti had formed large bumpy berry red nodules that would make the perfect cactus picture for an Arizona Christmas card.! So now, I'll have to make a return trip tomorrow or Saturday morning to see if the tuxedos on stilts are still massed in that marshy area!

I can't believe the abundant local flora and fauna I noted on this morning's ride. Alfalfa, corn, coyotes, jackrabbits, grackles, egrets, hawks, roadrunners, bouganvillea, kildeer plovers, sparrows, dragonflies, butterflies, saguaros, blue herons, hummingbirds, Taffy and Daffy, mesquites, Palo Verdes, willow trees, mourning doves, pigeons, turkey vultures, quail, night herons, coots, mallards, etc. . . . The list goes on and on. Thankfully, no scorpions, snakes, or tarantulas crossed my path!

I also can't believe I posted this earlier this morning and it went POOF and disappeared when I hit Publish! I spent an hour searching all the published posts and drafts and never found it. If you see my post running through the worldwide web (hate that geeky term!) -- let me know!


  1. I must have missed the naming of Taffy and Daffy!

  2. Yes,the white ducks are now officially Taffy and Daffy. Daffy makes the loud quacking sounds, and Taffy makes the little demanding whiney sounds if she thinks she's being shorted on the bread. Craig's headed over there now for the nightly feeding. They ran alongside the car when we passed them on our way into the neighborhood! It's frightening! HA!

  3. So I'm not the only one who was uninspired to blog. I am finally getting through my dry spell I think.

    Sounds like you had a great little walk.

  4. Had that happen to me more than once --esp. frustrating when lots of photos!

  5. Si Bennie. No inspiration. I'm at least a quart low this week. And Ann, what the heck is THAT about! Sometimes I've posted and it will post it back to the date I began the original draft instead of the current date, but I always find it and redo the publish date. This time it simply disappeared into thin air! I have looked all the way back and nothing! What a pain!
