Friday, July 31, 2009

Telex from the Neighborhood

I heard through the neighborhood coconut telegraph this morning that a guy on the opposite side of the circle in the cheap seats had Radar picked up by a shelter. I hope Radar gets adopted and not euthanized. The guy prides himself on being able to walk his highly-trained dog off leash around the neighborhood, so I'm sure Radar was a nuisance to his rigid routine. If his dog reverts from his training and runs up to someone to be petted, the guy throws a tantrum because it's an embarrassment to his ego. He yells at the dog, throws his water bottle at the dog, etc... Just put the damn dog on a leash and be proud that it heels!

Activity in the neighborhood is back to the nuts level! The Mexican catering wagons fly around the neighborhood streets blaring their horns at the construction workers, more foundations are being poured at 4 a.m., and the streets are an obstacle course of large piles of lumber. I ran into the construction superintendent this morning

and in between political rants, he told me they now have 60 some new starts in the neighborhood. Why the hell can't people turn off politics for two seconds and just be friendly? Or at least professional!

After listening to as much of THAT as I could take, I rode my bike over to my favorite farm lane. Unfortunately, my camera wasn't onboard. I HAVE to get a picture of the trashiest house on the lane one of these days! The driveway is a jumbled tangled mess of bicycles and kiddie equipment all heaped in one big pile. It's amazing! I'm wondering if there's not a kickstand in the entire pile, or if the kids minds are as jumbled as the parents'? LOL Obviously, they don't park any cars in the garage because the pile never goes away. I'm not sure how a kid could separate his bike from the mess to ride it, and the mess that lurks behind those closed garage doors must be amazing! The same house has a shed out back with a sign that says Onsite Psychiatric Care. Pretty funny. Three barking dogs in the backyard race up and down the fence as I pass -- a Chow mix and two Pugs.

On down the lane, two adorable little shelties watch at the fence. The chickens from the petting zoo had escaped onto the road this morning, and it looked like they had some new exotic goat -- brown with black stripes up by his horns -- in the pen. I'll have to go back with my camera another day.

I think today's going to be a 'take it easy' day. Maybe Michael and I will go out for one last lunch. He leaves Sunday to head for Montana and the Northwest. Hopefully, their infernal heat wave will be over and he can catch some cool air! : )

Tomorrow's August 1? How time flies when it's hotter than Hades! I'm on the countdown here. I figure we're more than halfway through the hot season now. At least I HOPE so! August is still nuclear, but I seem to remember the temps in September moderate slightly into the low 100's?

And let me see, I'm now under the 90 day mark until that next trip to Isla! Woo hooooo! Let's celebrate!


  1. Well Beck, I think we have a ways to go with this heat. Keith says that it is still in the 70's in Juneau as well. He is out fishing this morning. Fresh Halibut, salmon, snapper and crab for me next week!

  2. Chrissy, just let me stay in denial about the heat! Ha! The fish will be wonderful, but you already know that! Craig used to fish up there in the summer when he could fit it in with his corporate travels. Halibut and Dungeness! Mmmmmmm. My favorite was white salmon when I could get it in a Seattle restaurant. A chef told me one time it's just an albino salmon.

  3. Well, the Chef is wrong. It is not an albino, however it is a mutated salmon. I like it too. It is best smoked as it has a tad more oil content to it than the regualr salmon. Halibut is one of my least favorite unless it is fresh. After I freeze it, it just isnt the same. He probably wont get much today, but we both go up in August for 10 days and he is skippering a fishing charter so we will make a haul then.

  4. Glad to know it's a mutant Chrissy! HA!

  5. sorry, mutant does not sound so appetizing does it?

  6. Beck, you are one born-to-blog chica. A new treat every day. You are up there on my read-daily list with Isla Gringo and A Dark Planet, and that's about as high a compliment as I can give. Your blog rocks!

  7. Thanks Vee! (But I'm not sure I deserve to be with that fine of company!)

  8. Well, I'm finally getting back into the groove of blog-reading after my trip. Can't wait to see pictures of the trashy house! lol

  9. 'Ears' is on my wish list tonight. Please let us know if you hear anything.

    I haven't been able to be in the same room with salmon since I was pregnant (34 yrs ago) so you a Chrissy are welcome to them. Now you guys are talking about Mutant Salmon!!! I will surely have nightmares!!!!!!

  10. Deb, I can't wait to see all your photos (you rabble-rouser you!). I loved your real time reporting and you were right on the money. I don't go to Isla for sophisticated dining venues. There's another 'sophisticated' place I tried once that everyone else raves about. Reservations, waits, and all the local sophisticates lurking about being 'cool'. My food was inedible and I got blasted for giving my honest take. And I'm still reading reviews where the people say their food was too salty to eat, so they'll order something else next time? HA! Give me Victor's Cuban food or the French Bistro anyday!

    Jeanie, Radar is beyond us getting any news. Radar was picked up by the paddy wagon, so we can just hope someone adopts her. And that mutated white salmon is the BEST! Wish I had a photo of my salmon on wild greens at Chandler's on Lake Union! But I have to admit, I never loved anything but fried fish until I lived in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe that's because it's so fresh there!

  11. Maybe if it's white and you didn't tell me it's SALMON!!!!!
