Sunday, July 5, 2009

Same Old, Same Old

Sometimes I feel like we're trapped in the movie Groundhog Day. We seem to follow the same routine every evening -- over and over. Hop on the bikes, feed the ducks, ride around the canal trail, watch the sunset, and back home again. Tonight we saw a combination of a nice moonrise, beautiful sunset, and some cute critters, so I thought I'd post some photos.

The duckling's really getting big!

Moonrise over La Paglia Farms

Another Desert Sunset

Cornfield Moonrise

Look at those big ears!

I'll break out of the everyday rut bright and early Tuesday morning. Back to that prison of a workplace! HA!

And then I'll be oh so glad to escape back to my mundane daily routine!


  1. I hear ya sister! We just got back from Guaymus and San Carlos. it was noce to be int he ocean breeze for a few days.

  2. Chrissy, just added you to my blog list! I'd love to find out more about that area of Mexico so close to us! What keeps me going is our next trip to Isla in late October. I just booked and I'm so happy! : ) Two weeks of glorious crashing waves and beaches!

  3. Rocky Point is closer than San Carlos, but I dont mind the additional 3 hour drive. The water in SC is much nicer than Rocky Point. The average age I would guess in SC is 50 in RP it is probably 25. We gnerally stay in Guaymas rather than San Carlos because we dont want to pay over $50.00 per night and we enjoy staying where Mexicans vacation rather than Americans. The drive between the 2 towns is about 1/2 hour. SC if a Gringo town and Guaymas is a Mexican town. The market there is good, the streets are clean and the general attitude is enjoyable. The drive takes us 6-7 hours depending on the amount of time we spend eating burritos in Magdalena. We have also driven as far as Santa Ana or Magdalena after work, then continued in the morning. Cutting the trip into two 3 hour drives.

  4. Your daily routine sounds great to me. I know what you mean about groundhogs day. I've felt in that rut myself the past few weeks. But what a nice rut you described. It could be worse you could be in a sweatshop somewhere sewing sequins on dresses.

  5. Thanks for the info Chrissy! Now my curiousity has peaked and we'll have to check it out! We could do it on a long weekend. We never ventured south of the border here because basically, Rocky Point never appealed. Too resorty.

    And Bennie, I'm back to the computer sweatshop tomorrow to be whipped by the same lovely woman who ruled the last project. But it's very short, so maybe I'll just have some two-Prozac days! HA! I learned that phrase from a cousin-in-law when I was back in Kansas for my aunt's memorial. I'll just let that be-atch roll off me like water off a duck.

  6. To tell you the truth, Beck, I've missed your tales of the crazy people you worked with! Ha!Ha! Too bad for us (but good for you) that it will be so short this next time. I swear you could make a sitcom out of that place!

    On another note, you guys really do have some beautiful sunsets over there. Great shots!

  7. I LOVE that movie, Beck!!!


  8. Our life is the same old routine over and over too, but I wouldn't trade it for anything (well, if we won the lottery I would pack in the job, but I'd keep the rest). You know what happens to cats when you change their routine or scenery - they pee in secret places. So I'll just keep our routine and hopefully that will keep the peace.

    Have a good time on the job and write some more stories about the kook control woman. I admit - you are a better person than I, I don't think I could put up with it.
