Monday, July 20, 2009

At Last!

We were just having a nice evening. I snapped a photo of the sunset and one of Craig and Saby, then we decided to take her on an evening walk. Granted, it was still 110 or more out, but when a girl's gotta go, ya gotta take her.

Once we got out in the open, I saw the big brown cloud. Another haboob! I knew it! I can always predict storms because they happen when the weatherman announces at 5:00 p.m. that it looks like the storms will stay well to the south of the metro area. HA!

Third night in a row! But this time I noticed something different. The sky was actually spitting raindrops. But I still didn't hold out much hope for rain because it always bypasses us.

I dashed back home, once again scooped up the red umbrella which had gone airborne, and we all hunkered down. It wasn't long before we heard the rain thundering down on the roof. All hell had broken loose! Thank God! I LOVE that rain! (And please excuse the expletives!)


  1. Wow Beck that is beyond strange! I still can't get over the haboob rainbows! Does Saby freak out when this happens? Or is her hearing impaired by age like our babies were?

  2. Saby totally freaks and stays right on our heels. She does not like thunder, lightning, wind, hail, etc... And we got hail in this storm tonight. It's still rumbling almost 3 hours later! What's strange is that we usually don't have these storms on consecutive days.

  3. Glad you finally got some rain! Rafe is just like Saby--tries to be a lap dog which is kinda hard since he weighs 100 lbs.!

  4. Yay for the rain, Beck! I love that first photo. What is that red plant?

  5. crap, we got a few sprinkles here in Scottsdale. That was it.

  6. Ann,a 100-pound lap dog! I know what that feels like! Saby's jumped up on top of me and the laptop when a storm hits.

    Vee, those are the tops of a Mexican Bird of Paradise. Their flowers have orange/red petals. I think I've also seen that plant on Isla!

    And Chrissy, sorry. Scottsdale usually gets the rain before we do. When Scottsdale and Cave Creek are flodding, we usually get butkus! This storm seemed to blow straight from west to east.

  7. Rain!!! And yes, that first pic is stunning. Saby, of course is always stunning.

  8. Jana, I just told Saby you said she's stunning and she said you are too!

  9. Great Pictures. Those dust storms just amaze me. I have never been in one but watched the video you had posted a while back. I don't see how you could even breath through one.
