Thursday, July 16, 2009


I finally realized what species of ducks these are that we've been feeding at the neighborhood lake (a pond in any other state). They're AFLAC ducks! Duhhhh. It took me awhile.

Once again, we've managed to take the perfectly innocent and corrupt them. (According to our son, Saby was a perfectly trained dog before we got ahold of her.) Now the ducks start quacking (more like honking) obnoxiously when they hear us coming a block away. By the time we get there, they're out of the lake and on the move, waddling as fast as their fat white bodies will allow! And they're all over Craig when he feeds them. Moving in closer and closer. He's been teaching them to catch in mid-air. The moment I didn't get in this clip was when the duck between his legs grabbed the entire large chunk out of his hand and ran! I always miss the good stuff!


  1. I had a pet Canadian goose when I was a girl. She missed the migration for 2 years, then found a mate and left. It broke my heart and yet restored it. I had named her Hector before I knew she was a she. She used to meet me at the bus stop and waddle the block home with me. She would come in and watch the Flitstones share my Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, then go back out. No pooping the entire time. I loved her.

  2. They are beautiful! Thank you for feeding these fine creatures,

  3. Yes, you have corrupted them and they will never want to go back to being normal ducks. Just like I've corrupted the stray cats outside by feeding them - now they meow and look in the door and act just like they belong. Miguel says now they will not do their 'work' by catching rats and such because I've spoiled them. Maybe so, but it's hard not to - good for you and Craig for helping these two. They are very pretty ducks - what have you named them? (because I bet you have, even if you aren't admitting

  4. Chrissy, it's amazing your Canadian goose didn't poop while she was visiting. (They certainly pooped all over the parks up in the Northwest!) But that's cute!

    Thanks Jeanie. We've been scolded for feeding them by other residents. (They need to get a life!)

    And Sue, they're Taffy and Daffy. Named after two sales reps Craig knew in a prior lifetime. Daffy's the loudest one, and Taffy makes these little whining/moaning insistent sounds when she's afraid of not getting her share! I think I'm going to go buy some generic cheerios at the store today and try those!

  5. Daffy - but of course. Way better than AFLAC. Nice video, Beck. Good for you two, taking the time to feed these guys.

  6. Thanks Vee! We were back tonight and took Saby with us. She gets jealous and tries to jump in the pond after the ducks. She wants bread too! (So, of course, I gave her some.)

  7. I Love It... Your right those are the AFLAC ducks. And you have the gift of corruping the animals too. I call it spoiling them myself.
