Friday, June 12, 2009


Love this guy! I think I need to buy his CD!

And speaking of lucky, we are getting such a break in the Phoenix area right now! They predict another week of below average temps with mid-90's and no 100 degree temps. That is really unusual! Usually June is beastly with highs up to 115 and above. The only bummer is that the overnight temps are low enough (it's horrible -- ha!) that the pool has to be covered at night. I haven't been swimming as much because getting the solar cover off by myself is a beast! But it's wonderful being able to open up the windows in the wee hours and wake up to the sound of the birdies chirping! Ahhhhhhhh. We just took a bike ride in the dark and it was actually cool!

In addition, I'm finally planning that return trip to the tropics in late October! Isla's the definite winner, so I can't wait! : )

I'm Lucky and Life is Good!


  1. Ohhh.. You have a trip planned to the tropics. That's got to be a great feeling!

  2. Good news, Beck - back to Isla!

  3. It's starting to get HOT here in South Texas, so I can appreciate your little respite of cooler temps. And you are Isla bound...way cool!

  4. I don't know how I'll wait over 4 months for my return trip, but maybe it'll go quickly!
