Friday, June 26, 2009

Joe's Farm Grill Revisited!

This weekend is the start of Craig and I's little anniversary 'staycation'. We were going to take a weekend trip down to Bisbee, but I know the last thing Craig wants to do after working all week is take off and drive three hours south. We decided to eat out, swim, watch movies, and just have a fun weekend at home instead.

Craig's request for Friday night out was a trip back to Joe's Farm Grill over in Gilbert for the burgers. And this time I made sure my camera had fresh batteries. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. I have to say, this is the best burger I've had in this area!

Looks like a 5-star burger to me!

Craig had his loaded and was ready to bite in before I could finish taking a picture!


  1. Looks yummy! Making me hungry....

  2. Looks like one of those hand-made kind of burgers...the best kind. Hmmm...puts me in the mood for one.

  3. Beck - I've just lost 7 pounds and that looks soooooo gooood. It's like food porn. Oh, baby!

  4. Oh my god! They were good! And I felt so guilty afterwards. Now Craig's wanting to make a return today after his golf game. He said we could split one and split a salad. Hmmmmmmmmm. He'll probably talk me into it. Maybe if I get in the pool and swim 100 laps that could justify it?
