Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crying Fowl!

Saby would have a tantrum if she saw these birds lounging around the pond at the zoo! I'm missing that dog more than my husband, but don't tell him! She takes a run at any large birds lurking out of the water on walks in the neighborhood. This place would be Saby heaven! I guess that's why they have a sign No Dogs Allowed!

I wish I'd taken the time to read the little signs so I could tell you the particular species on all these waterfowl -- but I didn't. Looks like a bunch of geese and an emu to me! By the way, that emu was so cute and he evidently doesn't spit like an ostrich. He appeared quite jovial!


  1. Great pictures. There's nothing like watching ducks and geese silently gliding across the water to relax one's spirit. They make me want to be out there with them.

  2. Some of them look like Canada geese to me...that's the kind we always see around here!

  3. I totally agree Sue! I wouldn't mind living directly on a lake so I could watch! And Ann, I think some of those are Canadian geese. I have no clue what those are with the red stuff all over their faces -- the stuff you see on turkey's faces. They were ugly!

  4. Saby would certainly enjoy a trip to see the birds. Saby is so cute. Great pics too.
