Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stand By Me

Love this song and the video! What a great Saturday! We were 98% done on our project at work Friday, so they gave us the option to not come back in on Tuesday morning since we'd probably only work a few hours. They didn't have to ask me twice! I could hardly concentrate to get anything done for the final hour after I got that message! I was kind of surprised that it was only me and another woman who opted out, but I guess that has a lot to do with the economy right now. Anyway, I'm excited to get busy around here getting everything sorted out! I'm giddy as a teenager on the first day of summer vacation! And Craig's thrilled that I'll be taking over dog walking duties in the morning so he can sleep in a half hour.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! We're hoping to take a little Arizona day trip tomorrow. Can't wait! I need to get out and explore! : )


  1. Can't wait to see some pictures! It's raining here AGAIN....have lots of projects to do this weekend--even made a list--let's see how many we can accomplish!

  2. Ann, I have a huge list of things to do today. I don't know how much I'll get done. It's still raining here off and on,which is highly unusual. But so wonderful because it's a break from the heat! I've got the windows open again, so I can hear all the birdies chirping!

  3. Enjoy that dog walking.. I've enjoyed my week of dog walking on vacation. It's back to the grind on Tuesday. Two days of driving starting tomorrow.

  4. Have a safe trip home Bennie! We hadn't been on any long road trips in years until we moved to AZ. When we lived in Washington State, you never had to drive more than 4 or 5 hours to be someplace breathtaking. And otherwise, we flew. We've been on 3 long road trips in the past year and a half, primarily so we could take the dog with us! Can't leave the baby at home!
