Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No Time

No real time to blog. ugh But we did watch a gripping movie last night! Taken, with Liam Neeson. In the pool on Sunday, I was thinking how great it would be if I had a camera in the lens of my eye. I would have caught the little birdie sitting on top of this birdhouse,

the guy at the Costco gas pump who had a bird land on top of his head, the beautiful field of sunflowers I rush by everyday on my drive to work, etc.... The list is endless of great photos not taken!

Hope everyone has a sunny beautiful day. We're in the grips of a record May heat wave here in Phoenix. I think today is supposed to break the long-standing record of number of days in a row over 100 degrees in May. All I know is that it's much hotter than any May since we've been here! Maybe it'll cool down by next week when I'm finally back at home for awhile. Ha ha ha. That's really funny! It's almost June in Phoenix! I must be delusional.


  1. Beck I think you must have some of JoAnne's heat. She's freezing in CT! It's still cool here in the morning and at night. Days are warm and sunny. I'll take anything! I love living at the beach!

  2. Jeanie, I think we have everybody's heat right now. It hit 107 (according to my car) today, so we broke some kind of record! I don't even think I'd mind except for the fact that the A/C bill will be like a car payment! I'd love to have a little beach house up there where you live! : )

  3. I would have loved to see the bird land on the guy at Costco. You need to stop and take pictures of that sunflower field. I haven't seen those since I lived in Oklahoma and more often driving through Kansas.

  4. Bennie, I need to put a camera in the car and get the photo before this project ends on Friday (or maybe on Tuesday morning -- ugh)! I was shocked to see them in Arizona. A neighbor when I was growing up had them in her backyard. They really are like huge weeds (except for the flower)!

  5. P.S. The bird incident was at the gas pumps. It was hilarious! The guy knocked the bird off his head and it hit the trash can, then flew off. It reminded me of that Travelocity commercial where the husband's combover reminds the wife of a tropical bird!

  6. Oh now you need to dig up the travelocity clip for your blog. Too funny.
