Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kitties and Bunnies!

I'm in the Land of Oz now and the weather's pretty crispy for late May. I say that, but I remember how disappointing Memorial Day could be when Opening Day at the pool was cancelled due to foul weather.

Craig and I took a day trip up to Miami, Arizona on Saturday. (Don't tell him I squealed, but he got pulled over by a state trooper and issued a warning. That'll teach us to leave town!) Miami, an old mining town undergoing a transformation to antique/artsy mecca, had the coolest planters and garden junk. Here's some photos from the trip.

By the way, I immediately thought of my aunt when I saw all this stuff. She loved kitties, bunnies, horses -- practically all flora and fauna with the exception of squirrels (and maybe possums).

Oops. Almost forgot the rooster and the pigs!

When pigs fly!


  1. What a cool the pics! It reminds me of Gruene near where I love...a collection of just about everything.

  2. I can always expect to see cool pictures on your blog. As Tony the Tiger would say, "Their Girrrrate".

  3. I need that Rooster for my front yard. My Neighbors would be so happy to see that displayed out there.

  4. Bennie, they had three or four of those big roosters and I think you need one! Your neighbors would love it!
