Thursday, May 14, 2009

Backyard Botannicals

My Mother's Day present finally arrived and I needed to try it out. So I went out in the backyard tonight. I finally upgraded cameras a bit. Still a simple point and shoot, but a great improvement in the mega pixels department. My old camera had been acting up since our last trip to Isla. Maybe a little bit of sand? Anyway, the next step will be to actually open the manual and read it!

Radiation Lantana

Torchglow Bouganvillea


And not really a flower, but I had to try the camera out on Saby!


  1. Great photos--what camera did you get? Enjoy it!

  2. Ann, I got another Kodak. A 14 megapixel with a bunch of other stuff on it. I really need to read the manual!

  3. Every time I see Saby's sweet face I Laugh Out Loud and Frank thinks I'm nuts. He's right but I keep thinking of Saby as an elf and dancing. LOL

  4. Another one of my old sayings
    "when in doubt, read the owners manual"

    I like the images out of the new camera

    And Saby is soooo cute!!! (remember, this unsolicited praise comes from a totally biased cat person)

    thanks Beck!

  5. Wow 14 MP. I love the pic of the dog. She looks happy.

  6. I'll try to get acquainted with the camera this weekend and improve the quality of my photos! Maybe I'll talk Craig into getting out of the neighborhood!
