Friday, April 17, 2009


Woo hooooo! Friday! We don't really have an eventful weekend planned, but Sunday is Craig's birthday, so we'll celebrate that and his landing with friends! I'd also like to get some flowers planted and some more window shades ordered. Everything in the garden is going nuts, so it's time for a haircut back there! We'll have to choose a lunch place to celebrate Craig's birthday on Sunday! Let's just say he's 55. On a local radio station, they just say everyone's 55 if they don't list their age!

Speaking of the drive time radio station, they had a guy named Jeric on yesterday morning. Unusual name. It was a combo of his mother and father's names (Eric and Joan). So it suddenly hit me that I could have been Kean or Jirwin. I think I'll take Kean. That's not a bad name! Poor Craig. He would have been Borval or Ouelah. Borval reminds me of Borat! Ha! So what would your name have been?

Happy Friday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Craig! As for my name, I guess it could be Vea. LOL! My parents are Bea and Vassie.(Bea is short for Beatrice, but my mom hates that lovely name. And Vassie is just a strange name, maybe a variation on Vassar?) Happy Friday!

  2. Happy Birthday, Craig! My name combinations are just plain weird--best I could come up with is Allefran--Mom is Frances, Dad was Allen!

  3. Happy Birthday Craig! Welcome to the double nickel club jeje. I have 3 weeks to go. My name would be Marbill. Margaret&Bill.

  4. Jamqueen, you could always be Aan.

  5. Ann, you could be Fallen (and I can't get up)? Oops -- that's MY trick! And Vee, you got the combo name! Jeanie, you could be Mill(ie) or Bargaret!

  6. Happy Birthday, Craig! Okay, so my Mom's name was Vera and my Dad's was that makes me Vermo...or Alra? Either way, I'm glad I'm Deb.

  7. Oh that's just not right. My name could have been Jennie or Bunell. I'll stick with being named after my dad... Bennie.

  8. Bennie and Deb --- ha ha! Vermo -- well sounds like Vermin! Bennie, Bunell sounds kind of like Buford.

    Here's a confession. Craig's sister was born first. His dad's name was Orval. So guess what? They named her Orva Lee. Craig says he was SO lucky to be the second born!
