Monday, April 20, 2009

The Summer of '69!

Truthfully, I don't think I know anyone who actually went to Woodstock. I knew kids in college in the 70's who claimed they did, but I highly doubt their parents let them out of the house at age 15 or 16 to drive cross-country from Kansas to upstate New York. A friend sent me a little joke clip of Joe Cocker at Woodstock with the translated verses, but I couldn't find an embedding code for it. I like the real thing anyway despite the marbles in his mouth! Here's Joe at Woodstock in 1969.

Where were you in the summer of '69? (I was in Oswego, Kansas working at McClelland's Drugstore as a soda jerk!)


  1. Well, now you do! My husband really did go! Of course we live alot closer than you did! I was working in a factory that summer doing assembly of electronic components for phones & 2 of the girls that worked on my line went!
    Alan loves to talk about it..didn't see any of the acts, but heard some of it--was quite an experience for him!

  2. I am impressed Ann! Now I know someone who really went! :)

  3. In '69 I was in St.Catharines ON. My after school job was at Ridley College a private prep school at the end of my street.
    If I had been a bit older I probably would have gone to Woodstock.

    I love Joe Cocker!!!

  4. Yeah...I was a little young to be going to Woodstock. That was my summer between 8th grade and high school in St. Louis. I don't think I did much of anything that summer. Those were crazy times, though. It's hard to believe some of that even happened back then...burning ROTC buildings on campus, riotings, sit-ins, etc. Now that I work at a university, I'm amazed at how different the kids are today from back then.

  5. I was far too young to go to Woodstock. I was 5 years old. Oh and I was in Amite, LA.

  6. So most of us missed a psychedelic rolling around in the mud good time! :) I missed the whole hippy thing by a couple of years, but I'm a Boomer!

  7. I wanted to go, but was busy preparing to start kindergarten. :^P I think it would have been pretty cool, but it also looked really dirty and uncomfortable and I don't sleep in tents. Oh God, I'm old now.

  8. Jana, I not down with the tents and mud either! You and Bennie are so young!
