Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'll Fly Away

It's a time for celebration! The Bumpuses have flown the coop! Those pesky snowbirds have disappeared, not to return until next November. Well, maybe that's a tad optimistic. Gone is the old pickup from the street in front of our house. No more 5:00 a.m. wakeup calls from Mr. Bumpus talking loudly on his cellphone outside my window. And the driveway mechanic shop is officially closed for the season! Even Saby's breathing a sigh of relief because that little hussy, the Bumpus kitty, will no longer be lurking outside our windows to taunt! Woo hoooo! Block party time! : )



  1. I wish you peace & quiet for a few months at least!

  2. I notice your snowbirds aren't carrying Luggage in the picture. Are you sure they are gone?

  3. Ann, when least we expect it, they rear they noisey heads again! And Bennie -- LOL! The best Bumpus indicator is the car factor. It's all zipped up over there -- no cars on driveway or street. And all the neighbors are noticing! Friends from the next block asked us last night if the Bumpuses were gone! (And I should have photoshopped some luggage into that photo I borrowed!)

  4. Yay for you!! (Maybe you and the neighbors could get together and have their house moved while they are gone.)

  5. The Bumpuses kinfolk used to live next to us. It was no easy feat to sell our house last year with a full mechanic shop in the driveway. All that time to broom broom old junkers but the lawn only got mowed ONCE all summer. LOL

  6. Deb, that's a REALLY good idea! And Jeanie, I guess we'd have to sell our house in the summer! The first year they lived here, they left for the summer without making arrangments for anyone to mow their lawn or pull weeds. That was also the year they drained their salt water pool into our sideyard and knocked off some of our plants. Great neighbors!
