Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gas Wars

(Classical Gas. See I always have theme music!)

Gas wars. No, I'm not talking about the pot of chili I fixed last week. I just heard on the local news that Phoenix has the lowest gas prices in the nation. The newscaster listed the average as $1.80 a gallon.

Well, have I got news for that guy! He didn't do his homework! Sam's and Costco over by us are having their own personal gas war. It's been going on for weeks. On Saturday, regular unleaded at Sam's was $1.54 a gallon. And people weren't even lined up at the pump! All that and a bag of chips, because they were also giving away free grilled hotdogs and bottles of water in front of the store. So cheap gas and a free lunch. You can't beat that with a stick! : ) Not to mention I scored a great pair of $13 crop pants and four containers of the mix I use to make frozen coffee frappes at $2.80 apiece (regularly priced around $7.00).

Hey, I think we're in the midst of a deflationary cycle! It's about time! Woo hooooooo!

Let's just hope they have those blue face masks and Tamiflu at reduced rates in a couple of weeks. I bet we'll be in the midst of that very soon here in Arizona! Ugh.


  1. Wow that is cheap gas. Enjoy it while you can. As for those masks last night when I got to Toronto all the immigrations agents were wearing the masks. So don't hold your breath hoping to get one of those cheap.

  2. Great price for gas--around here it's $2.05-$2.25 depending where you go. A few cases of swine flu close to us in NY....I worry about my Mom who's susceptible to anything...

  3. Wow...I'm coming out to Phoenix for my next fill-up. We're between $1.85 and $2.00 here in South Texas. We have some cases of swine flu down here as well. In fact, one is in Cibolo. My last job was in Cibolo...I'm glad I got laid off!

  4. Wow, this swine flu thing is starting to look like a problem! Glad I'm not flying. Bennie, get a mask! I do remember flying somewhere when the bird flu thing was going on and seeing several people on my flight in masks. And bird flu never made it here, did it?
