Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kiss My!

I have to admit, I'm an Obama fan and didn't vote for John McCain. But I loved his daughter Meghan's message to the rabid conservative woman who criticized her weight. In her words, "Kiss My Fat Ass!" Why in the hell are people (jerks) so obsessed with judging women on their weight. You go girl!

On a personal note, I've never been a featherweight. And I've had supposed professionals tell me that at the most inappropriate moments. In my 20's, I was in the hospital with a broken back in traction. My stupid male doctor seized the moment on his rounds to tell me I was 'chunky' and needed to lose 15 pounds. Alrighty there -- you take the I.V. and catheter bag off me and I'll go for a jog around the grounds! Another time, I was in my gynecologist's office worried sick over a lump I'd found in my armpit. Before examining the lump, the gynecologist told me I could really be a 'beautiful girl' if I'd just lose 15 or 20 pounds. That from an overweight balding middle-aged male.

So to all the jerks out there -- Kiss MY Fat Ass! :)


  1. I just love this post. People need to just quit this worship of people the size of a toothpick. I'm not too bad overweight but I'm not skinny anymore either.

    I love the song Trisha Yearwood put out a few years back called "Real Live Woman". That was her way of saying "Kiss my Fat Ass" too.

  2. Great post Beck! I have been thinking for a while now about what is expected of women. There is an overall expectation that woman should look fabulous and it goes far beyond weight. Janet Reno comes to mind. That women was dumped on so much because she wasn't pretty and yet people are in awe of some Damn Ugly Men. You could do a funny post on this with pix of brutally ugly but respected men. Strom Thurman would be my first choice LOL

  3. Bennie, I'll have to look up that Trisha Yearwood song! And toothpick worship is so sick! Jeanie, that would make a really great post! I think Donald Trump might head the list with that horrid hair!
