Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is Anybody Listening?

I saw this on a 20/20 segment a week ago and it brought me to tears. If you're living in a part of the country that's unaffected by the current recession/depression, I thought it might be interesting for you to see what's going on out there in one of the harder hit areas. The only reason I say this is that a Texas friend recently expressed to me that she had no idea Arizona and California were parts of the country troubled by the current economic woes. I was a little amazed, but she said the area she's in really doesn't seem to be having any unemployment, real estate, or massive foreclosure problems yet. This video was made by students in Southern California. The 20/20 segment I saw went a little further than the video and interviewed some of the students in their homes (and apartments and homeless shelters) with their parents. They showed the empty refrigerators, kids confused by the dislocation, etc...

There was also a segment on the Nightly News last night showing shanty towns and tent encampments in California, Seattle, etc.... What's different now is that a lot of the people they interviewed were formerly from the middle class. They weren't the typical street people with problems such as mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc... that contributed to their current homelessness. Until the current economic debacle, they had decent jobs, owned homes, etc....

There but for the grace of God go I!


  1. How sad and how true Beck. I have great hope in the new president but for these kids help can't come soon enough. Young people crying about how hard their parents are trying is moving me to tears too.

  2. That brought the tears out in me, as well. These are sad times.

  3. I saw that piece on 60 minutes also. It's heartbreakin! I don't think there's a section of the country that isn't hit by this downturn--you just hear about some more often!
