Friday, March 13, 2009

The Carnival Comes to Town!

When I pulled into the gym parking lot this morning, I thought maybe someone had spiked my coffee! But then I realized the City of Chandler is setting up for its annual Ostrich Festival. Way back when, probably in 2002, they used to have the festival in downtown Chandler and we just happened to be staying at the San Marcos Resort that weekend and could walk right out into all the festivities. For free! There was a huge arts and crafts fair, carnival rides, ostrich races, ostrich tacos to eat, funnel cakes -- you get the picture. Now the city has the event at Tumbleweed Park and charges a rather heavy entrance fee. $9 per adult and an extra fee for parking. So for the two of us, we'd spend in the $25 range just getting in the gate! I think we'll sit it out this year!

The ostriches are the reason for the festival! I'm not sure if there's a historical reason why they're the honored guests, but the city sponsors ostrich races, lets little kids pose with an ostrich to have their pictures taken (for a fee), serves ostrich meat in various dishes, etc.... I'm sorry Big Bird, but ostriches are rather nasty birds. Definitely not like show dogs or show horses! They're kind of dirty, they spit, and they're not friendly. What's not to love?

I thought the ferris wheel and colorful rides looked so pretty against the blue Arizona sky!

And I couldn't resist freaking some fotos!


  1. I've been pecked by one of these big birds before. They certainly are mean, and yes Tasty too.

    Both of the ferris wheels are cool.

  2. Beck: I always enjoy your faux antique postcard looks, I think carnavals and antique stores are great for that look. The new header for the blog is a perfect example.

    It's probably a good thing I am not going in that direction right now, I wouldn't be able to resist putting subversive text onto seemingly innocent photos: like "visit scenic HELL" or "home of genetic mutations since 1950" or "25th Annual Palm Blight Festival"

    LOL yes I am really LOL

    I think it is a great world where you can do these freaked pics your way and I can do what I do my way and we can both appreciate each other's "hobby"

    Good stuff Beck!

  3. Do alot of people raise ostriches around there? We have a few here in town & they're nasty--ok to look at behind a fence! Great photos!

  4. The pics are fantastic and the colors look awesome!

  5. Fantastic shots! Geez, the color is amazing!

    And I have to agree about the ostriches. I remember visiting my aunt and cousins in Florida one year as a kid and we went to this zoo where they had ostriches. We were standing at the fence looking at them and one came over and pulled a hunk of hair off my cousin's head who was only about 4 years old. The poor thing was traumatized...I'll never forget that!

  6. Thanks everyone! I do remember at the 'take your picture with the ostrich' stand that they had the thing muzzled and staked down. Bennie, I didn't eat the ostrich! Does it taste like chicken? Scott, I'm still learning, but it's fun! Ann, I've got my eye on a nearby ostrich that I want to get a photo of, so evidently, they're common in this area. Jana, glad you enjoy the pics. And Deb, I bet that was traumatizing. I never knew they were such 'mean' birds until one spit at me.
