Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Almost Paradise!

It's just Almost Paradise around here now. I was out trimming some little palms in the courtyard Saturday and noticed this little birdie had popped out! The first tropical bird of the season! A Bird of Paradise! And speaking of paradise, the weather here has been stellar. It cooled down today (high 60's?), but it's still bright and sunny. And the temps are supposed to come back to the mid to high 70's this week. Too bad I'm indoors!

P.S. Get a load of the hairdo's in that video! LOL It's classic Kevin Bacon!


  1. You have an absolutely beautiful garden, Beck. I love birds of paradise. I think you ought to start charging admission. lol Sorry I missed commenting on your last post on Isla colors. Gorgeous photos, as usual! I have so many pics of the same things. And I think I know that pit bull-type dog you were talking about. If it's the same one, I have a picture of him sitting on a rooftop looking VERY intimidating. After I took the photo, he started barking and looked like he was going to jump off the roof, so I got the heck out of there.

  2. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one enjoying spring. What a beautiful Bird of Paradise.

    You need to break out of the prison and enjoy the fine weather.

  3. Thanks everyone. Deb, I think it IS the pitbull! Jeanie, you're always so sweet! Bennie,at lunch and on breaks, I go outside the building and eat at a picnic table and tilt my head up towards the sun!
