Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All in the Family!

After looking at Scott's tweaked self-portraits, I decided to have a little fun and freak some family fotos. I really like Miss Saby's!


  1. Great enhancements--love Saby's goggles!

  2. That's so cool! Miss Saby is a natural born star!

  3. Love the portraiture and especially Saby the red goggles really "pop" out (and there is double meaning to that, "pop" being "standing out" but also being "pop art" thanks Andy Warhol)

    "They" say that it is possible that the earliest known examples of the art of ancient humankind are self portraits and portraits...perhaps depicting a successful hunt, or god in the image of man (or vice versa), etc etc bla bla bla freshman art/freshman anthropology...

    The deal is, if you do art, you are always somehow interested in self portraiture...think of Vincent Van Gogh and the painting of himself with the bandage where his ear used to be...MC Escher and his trippy etching of his hand engraving his hand...and Rembrandt becoming a successful businessman painting portraits of wealthy Dutch burghers who wanted self's not just flattery, it's also humans seeking from without themselves what they find in themselve...or just having fun...

    Nowadays, when we interact online, we have opportunities to do "avatars" and "profile photos" so there is a natural impulse to go beyond the mere snapshot...freaking tweaking and wildly enhancing our own self image and the images of those around us...

    So maybe next you could try "Mona Beck", or "Saby Descending The Staircase" or you and Craig in a "Southwest American Gothic"

    These are cool, please try more!

  4. Thanks everyone! And Scott -- I love your ideas! Maybe I could do Mona Saby!!! LOL
