Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Taste of Mardi Gras

This Carnival video shot on Isla isn't mine, but it's a good one! I arrived on Isla in February 2007 just in time to take a few photos on the last night of Carnival.

The King and Queen


Birds of a Feather, Flock Together!

Tiny Dancer

Isn't she gorgeous!

Will dance for beer!

These women from Holbox showed up on the island the weekend after Mardi Gras. Their driver told me they just wanted to keep dancing. They danced up and down Juarez for free hotdogs and beer! I love the expression of the woman on the right.

The other thing I LOVE about this picture is what it illustrates about Mexicans and their healthy views on body image. Few women in the U.S. with curves and rolls would want to dance in the street in outfits like this. We're embarrassed by bulges and imperfections. But Mexicans seem just fine with their bodies. Have you ever noticed how the local men when it's really hot will roll their shirts up above their bellies (often bulging) to cool off? I wish our culture had the same healthy attitudes and didn't worship stick thin!


  1. Great photos & video! I took similar videos last year--the only time we've been on Isla for Carnival...
    Just wanted to tell you how I enjoy reading your blog--it's about the 1st one I look at in the morning!

  2. Great pics. The color!!! I totally agree with you about the body image thing and it fascinates me! We call that thing that the guys do the 'instant Mexican bikini'. You can tell who is from what country on the beach, also, by their swimwear and their body type and all. I think the young Euro girls look beautiful and natural with no abs of steel and implants.

  3. They're all great...I love the one with the beautiful girl in the pretty white dress. And ditto on the body image thing. That's one of the MANY things I love about Mexico.

  4. Ann, I wondered if it could be someone I know's video when I posted it! Jana, glad someone else has noticed the instant bikini! It cracks me up! I wonder how our body image got so out of whack here in the U.S.? I guess it has to do with the amount of time our culture spends spend looking at advertising slicks and celebrities. Deb, that's the Queen Bee in the white dress. If chunky dunky ever comes back -- I'll be a cover girl. HA!

  5. I have about 100 short videos on Youtube your the name
    " jamqueenann"--still haven't finished putting up the ones from this year!

  6. We went during Carnival in 2003, and I had similar thoughts about body image. As a person who has always been thin, I admired those muscular arms, sturdy thighs, and especially the big breasts. In our culture, no one is ever happy with their appearance, I suppose. I hate my stick arms and legs, and I've always wanted big bouncies. Of course, the older I become, the less I have to worry about. It's amazing what a belly roll looks like on a stick figure, how far the little ones can sag,and how flabby skinny arms and thighs can become!

    I guess it just doesn't matter, as long as you're still dancing, right?
