Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More Tweaked Isla Photos


  1. Oh, my gosh...I love the last one! That would look great hanging on a wall. The colors are amazing.

    I have lots of pictures of Loncheria Chely as we sat across the street at Alexia & Geovanni's for breakfast. It has been closed the last two times I've been there.

  2. Deb, that last one's a tweaked photo of a section of the artwork that hangs at Secreto. It used to hang in the outdoor living room. I haven't been on their grounds in years, but I bet it still hangs somewhere.

  3. The last one is my fave, too. Very cool. I also like the scooter. Nice work, Beck!

  4. That wonderful wall mural of the two ladies washing clothes is gone. The stupid owners of the new restaurant, Mama Rosa's, painted over it!

    I remember years ago when Chely's lady used to advertise breakfast on her board. My favorite was "hot cocks"! LOL!

  5. Wayne, I can't believe someone would paint over that mural!!! And Chely's menu! LMAO!
