Friday, February 6, 2009

Baby Golfer

We love the E-Trade Baby and really liked the Golf Baby Super Bowl commercial this year -- probably because there are a lot of golfers around here! By the way, my 'little' golf baby's home for two nights on his way from Florida to California. He gets to work a tournament at Pebble Beach, and Craig would like to be a stowaway in his bag! Anyway, tomorrow's his birthday!

Here's the Golf Baby ad.

And some funny out takes!

Here's our Baby Golfer (about 27 years ago)!

That's a baby golf club he was swinging. My mother found out the hard way that he really COULD hit a golf ball when she let him play with real golf balls. She ended up with a broken window and a large goose egg on her forehead.

Happy 29th Michael!

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