Thursday, January 29, 2009

Freaky Fotos from Isla


  1. See? It is very fun and very addictive (or at least in my case, very obsessive/compulsive) but probably less harmful than most other vices.

    I really like the calaveras (I always like calaveras) and the very last one with the composite.

    Fun stuff, huh?

  2. Beck, I love these. Keep 'em coming, please!

  3. Love it Beck! Everything looks better with a little purple.

  4. Scott, I take pills for this time of obsessive behavior, but they're obviously not working! :)
    Very fun stuff!

    Vee, I will keep production rolling. God knows, I have enough photos I can alter!

    And Jeanie, everything does look better in lavendar. I need some purple shades to wear!
