Friday, December 19, 2008

Wayne's Game

Isla Gringo has an interesting challenge going. Open up the sixth file, sixth photo. So I tried it just for the heck of it and found a really cute old black and white photo. This is my mother as a girl with her dog Mitzi and the little neighbor boy. I love the sailor outfit my mother's wearing!


  1. Cute! Funny how the military even took young girls as recruits back then. LOL. At least she got shore leave.

  2. Moonie, doesn't her head look really big for her body? Like a tadpole! The outfit was kind of flapper-esque!

  3. Beck I'm so envious of the wonderful old photos you have of your family. They really tell a story.

  4. Jeanie, I have a box of my husband's that I need to go through now. I wonder what's in there! And those people have a real story! They were pioneers with forts and Indian uprisings!
