Monday, December 8, 2008

There's No Place Like Home!

I thought I'd fire up a little road trip music because we're heading out today. Craig's mother should be leaving the hospital by noon, so we'll be taking off down the road in hopes of beating a winter storm that's supposed to arrive tonight. The storm is also hitting northern New Mexico, but hopefully we can get to Albuquerque on Tuesday so we have some sights to explore while we wait out the storm! We've booked a room in Tucumcari tonight. Sounds kind of exotic, but when viewed from the interstate -- not! Sorry Tucumcari. I could be wrong? Hopefully, we'll be back to much milder weather at home by sometime Wednesday!

There's no place like home! There's no place like home! I'm clicking my heels, but I forgot my ruby red slippers!


  1. May the Weather Goddesses and Traffic Divas watch over you.

  2. Becky, travel safely!! We are supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow here tonight, but I think you are safe from that amount of snow in Tucumcari. Remember, it's a long way to Tucumcari (but I can't remember much more of the lyrics)

    See you a week from tomorrow in a much warmer place.

  3. Thanks everyone. We're sitting here at the hospital waiting on the doctor to release her. Hurry hurry hurry! :) I'm so anxious to get home to warmer weather. Not to mention I need to get started on some Christmas!
