Saturday, December 6, 2008

Notes from the Road

Craig learned not to 'mess with Texas!' We were pulled over by a state trooper in East Texas right beside a stinking feedlot. Saby, of course, was in cow heaven nervously whining and snotting up the back window wanting to get at those cows over the fence. I was a little concerned the trooper would think Saby was trying to get at him! We were overcome by the stink as we sat there with the window down for 15 minutes. The nice young guy let Craig off on a warning when Craig explained the reason for our trip. He was going 76 in a 70 mph zone. We saw a huge number of 'Smokies' running speed traps throughout the trip. I'm guessing that states, in the current economic funding crisis, are trying to maximize their revenue from speeding tickets. In fact, there were electronic signs in New Mexico warning of the 'Cop Blitz.' I was going to have a little fun with Craig and post his warning ticket, but realized there was too much vital information!

Craig's mom is doing better than ever expected. They installed a pacemaker yesterday that's supposed to help overcome some of the damage done to her heart by the attack. She's really weak, but the cardiologist sounded fairly optimistic. By the way, 2008 has just been a hell of a year. Among numerous other pitfalls, that's our second near and dear relative air-lifted to a major medical center in the last few months.

Not even a heavy-duty prescription antacid can overcome the ravages of fast food. Ugh. I took two yesterday and that didn't even do the trick. Maybe I should do a foodie blog on Fast Food U.S.A. I'd give a thumbs up to the In and Out burger 'animal style,' but a thumbs down to almost anything else I've consumed on this trip. The Kentucky Fried Chicken BLT salad with roasted chicken last night was fairly mundane. The biscuit that we ordered with it was the taste equivalent of styrofoam. But maybe I'm too harsh a critic since our fast food trips are few and far between.

Wind farm technology is expanding -- rapidly! The only place in the past where I've noted wind farms is right off the interstate in the Palm Springs area. I know there's a lot of T. Boone Pickens buzz now about wind farms, but we were still surprised to see the number of large windmills being transported cross-country. And we were shocked to see a huge wind farm right off the highway in a little town south of Hays, Kansas.

I saw some great shots on the way here as we were flying by, but we just didn't have time to stop for the picture. So maybe on the trip home we'll take some time to smell the roses. We may be able to head back sometime early this next week. We'll just have to wait and see.

See ya when I see ya! :)


  1. Glad to hear that Craig's mom is doing better! Sorry about the bad food!

  2. Good to hear from you, Beck. Hope you'll come home soon and clear up that Hays/Mays situation, lol.

    Seriously, I hope all goes well for you guys. Take care, drive safely, and give a treat to Saby for me.

  3. You should take the back roads on your way back and check out the home town diners. The last "Texas Monthly" did a story on the best Texas diners. Maybe you could add your two cents! Happy to hear Craig's mom is better!

  4. Glad to hear about Craig's mom. I think you lose the ability to digest fast food in your 30's. I know I did.

  5. Glad to hear Craig's mom doing better.By all means take some photo's on return trip. Might be quicker to come back through WEST
    Texas than going through EAST Texas! Ha!
