Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mamacita, Donde Esta Santa Claus?

I can't believe I've never heard this Christmas song before! We heard it over and over on the radio in New Mexico. Pretty funny! Below are some photos of Isla Mujeres ninos taken in December 2005. In early December, Isla children carry their branches decorated with tinsel (La Rama) from restaurant to restaurant singing their song for pesos. During that trip, children also carolled in groups during the day and evening on Hidalgo. It was a very festive time!


  1. Great song Beck!!!LOL. The kids are adorable! I didn't know about the branches with tinsel. Thanks!

  2. I've never heard that song either, nor did I know about the children's tradition. Thanks for the informative post!

  3. Jeanie and Vee, the way it was explained to me, the children collect pesos for the song for an island-wide party for children. At least that was the purpose in 2005. A lot of festivities take place during the first half of December, most involving Catholic holidays. Virgin of Guadalupe, Virgin of Isla being transported from the church on a boat parade, first communions (with processions through the street)for girls and boys, etc.... It seemed like there was a procession everyday for awhile! And I rarely had my camera with me!

  4. Believe it or not, I have actually heard that song before, but can't remember when. The little sweetheart in the third photo is adorable.
