Wednesday, December 31, 2008

¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!

I know I promised Christmas was over, but I couldn't resist posting some photos I took yesterday down in the Tubac, Arizona area. Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 2009!

Mission San Xavier decorated for the holidays!

Love this angel!

Table decked out for Christmas.

Mission creche. Notice Baby Jesus in a hammock!

Christmas wreaths.

Pepper garlands for a Southwest Christmas!

Christmas tree decked out with flowers!

A Christmas window.

A desert tree with cotton snow.

A classy nativity.

And the trailer court version. (literally)

Little creche houses.

And a wooden Santa.

Church doors decked for Christmas.

Santa got stuck!

Shop entrance decorated for Christmas.


  1. Great photos Beck! Love Baby Jesus in the hammock. That could change a few carols.The pepper garlands are really terrific. We got whacked with snow again last night. It's not even 6am and Frank is already out shoveling. Crap!!!!

  2. Beautiful photos, Becky! i guess we're waiting for the snow that Jeanie got yesterday--expecting 4-6 inches today & I will be working--that just means it will be dead!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Jeanie and Ann, hate to mention it -- but I will since I'm terrible. The weather's been beautiful here this week. But I think it's supposed to rain on Sunday and drop back into the 60's. But -- this is our third winter here and beautiful weather isn't the norm in December/January. We got our snow fix driving back from Kansas.
