Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby's First Christmas!

Santa's probably thinking "Good God, give me a DRINK!" Michael's thinking, "Oh my God, what are they DOING to me!" We had the best of intentions, but ten months was probably way too young for Michael to visit Santa. In fact, we may have scarred him for life. I used to dress him up every year and take him to this Santa, the best Santa in Kansas City. But Michael viewed Santa in the same class as mimes and clowns. He liked the presents, but could not stand sitting on the weirdo's lap! He definitely didn't take after me! :)


  1. Great photos! I have been finding a few old Xmas photos, but none with Santa. I sent you a PM, do you know what day you posted the cake in a cup recipe?

  2. Ann, it was Saturday, October 11. It's buried in a Saturday Grab Bag post. Sorry I missed that PM. I have a couple of e-mail accounts and don't always check them regularly. By the way, we're enjoying your chicken enchilada recipe!

  3. Poor little Michael! Maybe he'd be smiling if he had a fancy smancy white angora hat. LOL

  4. Jeanie, if only my mother had saved it! It could have been passed down. But that it turn could have warped him in other ways. HA!

  5. Ha!Ha! I have some similar pics of my boys screaming on Santa's lap. You should have seen their expression when we moved from a small town in Wisconsin to St. Louis when they were young and they saw their first black Santa. I wish I had had a camera then! lol
