Friday, November 7, 2008

Tropical Cats and Dogs

Ever hear that expression 'raining cats and dogs'? Well, every trip we take to a beach destination, we see so many cats and dogs -- I think it MUST be raining them! And we usually manage to befriend a few furry types on each trip. Here are a few of our favorites over the years.

This little kitty always hung out at the old Angelo's location on Isla waiting for some shrimp!

Spot loved tocino at the French Bistro on Isla. Haven't seen him lately?

It was a cold and windy December night on Hidalgo for FeFe (or Pepe)!

Playa Indio Dog

Cocktail hour guests at Mar y Sol

The Kids always greeted us every sunrise at Luna Turquesa.

Craig and LoLo in Hanapepe, Kauai.

Morning walk friend at Anini Beach. Look at that smile!

Craig and his Posse at Moloa'a Bay

Remember the Caribbean Cafe dogs? Here they're both waiting patiently for a bite of Craig's steak!

And here's the Secreto couch potato cat from 2002. They hated that cat on that couch! :) But no matter how hard they tried, she wouldn't stay away. She'd found her rightful place in life. And you have to admit, she looks very charming curled up on that white couch.

Last, but certainly not least, we have Mrs. Stripe. I'd never felt very warm and fuzzy about any of the Stripe family. They used to hang out down around the Convention Center and Maria del Mar. On our last trip, Mrs. Stripe had made her home at Bally Hoo. She'd sometimes wander over to the table and Craig would scratch her head. A friend on Isla, and I won't name name's, calls the Stripes the mutant dogs. :)


  1. Great photos! We always enjoy the cats & dogs on Isla, mostly because it keeps us from missing our own too much!

  2. I love your tropical furry friends. I have tons of photos of all the animals we've met over the years

  3. We went without a dog at home for years after our Hollywood dog(that's what the vet called her) Charlie died of a brain tumor. Then Saby came into our hearts a couple of years ago. Craig's always been a dog/kitty magnet. Animals are just attracted to him wherever we go.
